PP (Polypropylene)

https://www.polimer.org.pl/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/onas-383x435ww-424x425.jpg https://www.polimer.org.pl/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/onas-383x435-1-424x425.jpg

Extruded products made of PP

Extruded products made of PP are widely used in various fields. Here are some key information about PP:


  1. **Properties**: Polypropylene is light, durable, flexible and resistant to many chemicals. It is also resistant to moisture and has good thermal insulation properties.


  1. **Applications**: PP is used in many areas, including the food industry, medicine, packaging, textiles, automotive, construction, electronics and many others.


  1. **Packaging**: It is widely used to produce packaging such as bottles, containers, bags and food films. It is a safe material that comes into contact with food.


  1. **Textiles**: In the textile industry, PP is used to produce non-natural fabrics, such as geotextiles or fibers used to produce sportswear.


  1. **Automotive Industry**: In the automotive industry, PP is used to produce various car interior components such as dashboards, door panels, and also in mechanical components.


  1. **Chemical industry**: PP is used in the chemical industry to produce tanks, pipes, fittings and other components resistant to chemicals.


  1. **Medicine**: In medicine, PP is used to produce various products such as syringes, test tubes, dressings and medical devices.


8. **Construction**: In construction, PP is used for the production of pipes, sewage pipes, thermal insulation, as well as in the form of panels and finishing elements.

Polypropylene is a material with a wide range of applications due to its properties and is often chosen due to its durability, low weight and relatively low cost.

Polimer Sp. z o.o.

Oferta PP

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